Friday, June 27, 2008

What's NEXT?

If we are on the freeway and I say "Take the next exit."
Which one would you take? The first one you come to?
The second one you come to? I think you would probably
take the first possible exit, right?

But if, on the freeway, you ask "Should I take this exit?"
and I reply with "No, take the next exit."
I'd bet you'd take the second exit.

So which one is really the "Next Exit"?
Is it the very next one we come to or the one after that?

Did putting the word "very" in front of "next" in that last
sentence, clarify the "next" and mean the first one we come
to as opposed to the second one?

And further more:
When is next Friday?

On Friday, it's pretty obvious that "next Friday" would be
a week later.

On Thursday, it could be argued that "next Friday" is in 8
days, even though the next Friday to come along is actually
the following day.

On Saturday, is "next Friday" in 6 days or 13 days?
I'd guess you'd mean the one in 6 days.

Until next time...


Dionna said...

Yah - the "next" weekend thing has always thrown me because I may not be talking about the same weekend as someone else. So I always preface it with "not THIS weekend" but "NEXT" weekend.

Anonymous said...

HaHa - what will you come up with next??? :)

Shannon said...

Your blogs make me want to take a nap. haha

Angela said...

The next exit is the first one that comes up I would say. But, in regards to days I have always been confused! Garrett will say "next Friday" and I will say, "wait this one like in 2 days or the one after that?" And I think it changes every time. haha.